Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Tarheels and Fabric...

I've finally been able to play with the enormous stash of fabric I amassed before Christmas and there will be new bags coming soon...I don't know about everybody else, but I am ready for spring already.  I'm getting there vicariously through fabric until it's here for real.

This time of year also means college basketball, but I wish I could be more excited about it.  My Tarheels are making me oh so sad...Ed Davis on the bench, Tyler Zeller out 4-6 weeks, Deon Thompson's disappearing act, Larry Drew's panic, it's all making me crazy.  Steve took Emily to the Wake game last night.  It was a relief not to watch it in person...makes it seem less real.  If we don't get it together soon, we'll be below .500 in the ACC and won't make the NCAA tournament.  That will ruin my entire month of March and part of April!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Backward New Year's Resolutions

I made my New Year's resolutions in October because I think you're much more likely to stick to them if you aren't doing it at the same time everyone else is.  Basically, I hate crowds.  I've made two backwards New Year's resolutions this year and one that's a normal one.  I'm not the girl who can do everything backwards--work with me, people.

I am resolving to be less informed.  Do I really need to know that Nancy Pelosi is feuding with the GOP again or that doctors have figured out how to grow ears? No.  I need to know that Emily has her big math test next week and Ryan has a dentist appointment on Monday morning.  I need to know what the weather's going to be like so I can send the kids back upstairs to reconsider their choices, but the coffee maker tells what the weather's like.  I can pay attention once a week and still be up to speed.

I am resolving to do less for other people this year.  As a woman and especially as a mom, my first inclination is to do everything for everybody but then I resent it when people are so endlessly reliant on me.  I'm going to spend more time doing things for me like exercising and writing and less time volunteering for every little thing that comes along.  I'm going to say "no" more often that I say "yes".

I am resolving to be happier with things the way they are.  We spent much of 2008 and a little of 2009 enduring a series of major family crises and changes and then we spent the rest of 2009 getting used to the new normal.  But we made it through all of it, intact, and the things that kept us happy then are still here.  We are all together as a lovely family unit, complete with arguments and dirty laundry, and that's the way it should be.